







Led by Mareva Sabatier, the IREGE accepts around 50 professors who specialise in research and around 30 doctorate candidates who focus on the theme: "Sustainable Decision-Making and Innovations". Two sub-topics fall under this overarching theme: 

Tourism, Sustainable Consumption and the Environment (ECDT: Environnement, Consommation Durable, Tourisme): Economics and the Environment, Renewable Energy, Eco-Citizenship, Sustainable Local and Regional Development, Sustainable Brand Marketing, and Trends and Behaviour within the Tourism Industry;

Organisational Development and Innovation (IDO: Innovation et Développement des Organisations): Determinants of Innovation, Performance and Value Creation, Social Media and Organisational Dynamics, Innovations in Technology and Communication and their Uses, Problem solving in HR and the Workplace, Renumerations and Careers, Mobility and Professional Relations. 


The researchers of IREGE host many events and seminares on these themes and how they relate to their specific research. 




Current Events

Stay up to date with what's going on at IREGE (Awards, research articles, seminars, defending of theses) here