Login information
You will need your login information to access the intranet (https://www.univ-smb.fr) or to connect to the WiFi.
You should receive an e-mail from the DSI indicating your GRH code, login and password.
If you cannot find the aforementioned e-mail, click on this link
If you do not have you GRH code please e-mail vacataires-hc.iae@univ-savoie.fr
Click here and follow the instuctions for installing the VPN Cisco Anyconnect. You will then verify it using your UDS account.
You must download this if you wish to access the intranet and other services from home.
Printing and photocopying services
To make copies click on the following link: https://cervoprint.univ-savoie.fr/cervoprintws/CPHome
Reminder: you must be logged into the Université Savoie Mont Blanc server to use the printing services. From home, you must be connected to VPN Cisco Anyconnect.
For work-related packages, refer to the subsection "mise à disposition" located under "logistique":
- For Annecy choose "comptoir Annecy".
The Onsite Logistics Department (SLS: le Service de Logistique de Site) will deliver your package to the front desk. Never choose the option "livraison" because then it will be delivered to the Bourget du Lac campus.
- For Chambéry, choose "livraison"
Choose the option "lieu de livraison" from the main menu, choose "Jacob bât 23-24". Packages can be found in the teacher's lounge.